Friday, May 29, 2009

Thankful Friday!

This morning I am feeling very rich! Does that mean I live in a mansion and have the finest of things? NO! But I am able to freely worship a God who is worthy of praise and does not need me, but who loves me anyway (Our morning devo time with the kids this week has involved singing "I am so glad that Jesus loves me"--the end of that song says "Jesus loves even me"--even when I don't trust Him, even when I am selfish. . .), my every need is provided for (that includes emotional and Spiritual if I just ask God),I have friends that go book shopping with me and help me with my crazy notions of having a HUGE garage sale, I have family (Mark's and mine) that spoil us rotten--thanks Mom and Barb(my sister) for a fun day of lunch and shopping :), and thanks Mom&Dad Goins for your encouragement and kindness, I am also surrounded by a lot of "stuff" that was given by generous and loving people who want to see orphans have a family. . .Can you tell my cup is overflowing? Trust me I have a lot more to say, but will leave it at that!

1 comment:

sharon said...

Amen!!! God is so awesome.

Please pray for us...Mark was layed off in April and although he has a job now--it's not near the salary and he complains constantly. I have tried to tell him that this is a good time to really look at our spending habits, and that God may use this to put him in a different "place." He just growls and gets mad. I think we really need some Divine intervention.