Friday, May 8, 2009

Thankful Friday!

Where did the time go this week?
Mark and I are both thankful for our Mothers!
Both of our Mothers are Christians. We are glad to have been raised to know God's Word and learn about Him. Both of our Mothers are hard workers!
Some of my best memories of my Mother are when she would fix me tea at 3a.m. when I was sick! What a servant! With each of our three children, she was here to help with laundry, dishes, reading to the kids, and fixing meals. As a kid, she spoiled me by using her hard-earned money to buy me surprises like banana flips after cheerleading practice, shoes, a boom-box, clothes out of JCPenney catalog, (The list is really too numerous to name everything--and the list continues to this day)! Thanks, Mom! Love ya, Diane
For my mom, my first thought is my mom praying...praying during her personal study, praying during communion, and praying when a child was out late. I also remember her listening to me as I paced and paced in the back room while she did laundry (funny I never offered to help :( ) And I am thankful she prayed to have a son who would be a pastor. I know she hasn't stopped...
Love ya, Mom! Mark

1 comment:

Faith said...

Awww guys, that was SO sweet!!! I bet your mom's are thankful to have kids like you two!!