Friday, May 1, 2009

Thankful Friday?

Today, I am thankful for homeschooling! I must admit that I am not thankful every day that we homeschool. (It is definitely not the easiest thing I have ever done!)
I like being able to use the curriculum that best fits each child, being able to go at each child's pace, being the one who teaches them to read, and having the flexibility to go to the children's museum when we want. I don't know that we will be doing this forever, but for now I am enjoying it! Also, I think it will be good for me to homeschool Katarina to get her caught up in the areas she will need help in!


Catherine Steinke said...

WooHoo! Three cheers for homeschooling! Another benefit: If you choose to close your school due to the Swine Flu scare, you simply call your children indoors!

Steph P. said...

What???? You mean you didn't get the "Easy" button when you purchased your curriculum?? You might want to check on the refund policy :-)
I'm thankful right along with you. And I'm thankful for our God who is so rich in mercy and showers us with patience and never-ending faithfulness time after time after time. His love endures forever---isn't it reassuring that He is the God who watches over Katarina during this time of waiting and has His very best in store for her?