Saturday, February 7, 2009

Limit on Number of Dossiers Lifted!!!

I am excited to let you all know that we have been informed that Ukraine did away with the "100" limit of dossiers!!! This means that they could be accepting more than 100 dossiers for children 6 and under! When it comes to Ukraine, we know that this could change again tomorrow so we are working diligently to gather our paperwork. Ukraine will not accept a provisional dossier so our dossier must be submitted in full!! To give you an example of what we have had to do. . .We had to get our blood work redone(Our previous lab report will expire soon--Some documents are only good for 6 months), medical report redone--to show that we physically and mentally are able to care for a child/children, copy of our Dr.'s license, copy of social worker's license, state clearance report, letter from assessor's office stating the size of our house, W-2, employment letter to verify that Mark does work, power of attorney form (so people in Ukraine can handle our paperwork), formal application to Ukraine stating that we want to adopt, and copies of our marriage certificate(those will expire also--Thank God our MARRIAGE won't expire)!
We continue to wait on immigration approval. This Monday will be 2 weeks since we were fingerprinted. Our adoption agency told us yesterday that immigration rarely goes smoothly, so for ours to go this smoothly so far has been a real blessing!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for your prayers! It continually amazes us how people who don't even know us, pray for us---Mark's Mom called this week to tell us that a man from Focus on the Family is praying for our adoption! God is so good to give us encouragement just when we need it the most! :)

1 comment:

Chris and Sarah said...

OK, putting together one dossier stinks. I can't imagine doing it all twice for just one adoption.

Just so you know I've heard Indiana immigration department is a lot better than most and they were awesome for us.

It is a very good feeling to know your being prayed for.

I'm so glad you got some good new this week!