Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Make a Donation through PayPal

Greetings all!

We have been so encouraged by the events of the previous week. Our information being formally submitted, getting a grant from "Show Hope", learning we may get a date to travel by the end of this month which would put us there around the end of Sept, we made over $1,700 at our garage sale. You can now donate on line at paypal. Here is the the web link:
Click on "Make a donation" and in the description box, type "for Katarina Goins, account #726". There will be a fee taken out for the transition

We figure we need around $8,000.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

Mark and Diane Goins

1 comment:

The McEacherns said...

Exciting times! I'm anxious to know your app't timeline, since we're set to be submitted on Monday. Blessings!