Saturday, July 11, 2009

Adoption Update

We just wanted to update everyone since we have not posted in a while.
We are in the process of redoing documents as they have expired (Most documents expire after 6 months for Ukraine). We need to have all documents done this week so they can be in Ukraine and translated by August 3rd (when our dossier is officially submitted in Kiev). We are told that we can expect a travel date 2-3 months after our dossier is submitted. It could then be 1-2 months after that when we travel. So, we could be traveling anytime between November and January. The bottom line is. . .we don't know when we will travel!! We continue to trust that God's timing is perfect and He will continue to care for Katarina until we can go get her! In the meantime, we continue to read books on Ukraine and adoption, and learn the language.
We continue to apply for grants, and are preparing for our garage sale on August 7 & 8. If you have any items you wish to donate, please drop them off anytime after July 27th. As best as we can figure, we are still about $15,000 short of our goal. Due to Mark being a pastor, we do not anticipate receiving an adoption credit from the government. God has been so good to supply all our needs to this point! We will continue to trust Him for the rest!
Please pray that God will continue to prepare us for bringing Katarina or a sibling group home. The more we read, the more we realize we have a lot to learn! This is just another reminder of our dependence on God!!

1 comment:

The McEacherns said...

Our dossier is scheduled to be submitted on August 17th. We've been watching other adoptive families' blogs in order to chart/anticipate the time between submission and travel. A lot of them are receiving their travel dates about a week after submission, with the appointment being 2-5 weeks after that. So if the timing trend continues, be prepared to travel sooner than November!
