Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday!

I thought I would get my children involved in writing "Thankful Thursday" today and this is what I got. . .
Daddy's day off (which happens to be Thursday)
Karate (which also happens to be on Thursday)
our dog Shasta (Karis said this--She is the main reason why we have him)
Swim lessons (at the YMCA)
skunks (o.k. I haven't figured that one out. . .)
computers (knowledgeable resource--can't you tell that was from our 1st born?)
diet Mt. Dew/Sierra Mist/Root Beer (and of course, a Root Beer float)
J-e-s-u-s, G-o-d, H-o-l-y S-p-i-r-i-t (Spelled by Caleb--He goes around spelling
just about every word)
TMS (The Master's Study--The Monday school our kiddos go to)
And me, being the Mom, am thankful for all those things and my wonderful hubby and kids!!!

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